Know your customers

How well do you know your customers?

The most important thing to consider in your business is not what, but who does this serve and why does it matter to them? By identifying your customers, their interests, dislikes and what turns them on, you position yourself for success. In our very first meeting with any new client, we emphasise this point, as successful design can only be determined by those who use the space. At Cooked Studio, it is our responsibility to create not just pretty spaces, but wholistic, intentional experiences to enhance your brand, your service and your product - so that your clients and customers connect to your business because it makes them feel seen, considered and ultimately, excited to buy from you.

As your interior design partners, we help you identify your ideal customers and make sure that they are the focus of every design decision we make throughout the design process.

Contact Mel on to find out how we can help you create the ultimate experience for your desired clientele.


Common Mistakes made by most new Home-Buyers