So much more than a Pretty Space.
How using UX principles on an interior design level can help boost revenue
Imagine the impact that having a data-driven customer experience process could be on your business, one that helps identify insights to optimise store design, with a focus on customer engagement on location, all integrated into the space from the very beginning stages of the interior design process?
There is no doubt that a beautifully designed space can create an exceptional message for your business and, when done right, becomes a space to really experience your brand. At Cooked Studio, we believe interior design should go beyond the aesthetic to perform a specific function: optimizing the brick & mortar sales process.
After all, you’ve paid a lot of money for an impactful space – how often do interior designers really connect with getting you a return on your investment beyond the “pretty”?
Interior designers are traditionally trained to ask the right questions to develop a concept for creating a beautiful, functional space: What is your business? What is your vision for the space? Who is your target market? What elements in your space such as kitchens etc. do we need to consider? What does your brand represent? Do you have an idea in mind for the look and feel? And so on…
But, what if we considered more than just what the space will look like and its ergonomics? What if we started the beginning of our entire process by considering HOW the space will act as a business tool and continue to work for you long after we’ve handed our gorgeous designed interiors over to you?
Enter UX Design.
Quite literally, UX design stands for User Experience Design. UX is applied as a web-based process that focuses on designing systems that are consumer-centered; considering every touch point that contributes to the overall experience with a company’s product or service. It has become a fast-growing, vital business tool for website platforms and is used to optimise the user experience from a holistic approach that helps the business create an ease-of-motion in customer interaction with that business while creating a positive overall experience for that customer.
Both UX design and Interior design incorporate processes of combining several elements together to build an environment that guides people. By applying UX principles to interior design, retailers and restaurateurs are empowered to holistically improve their customer experience by gathering data on how customers interact with their space.
Using User Experience design principles, businesses are able to paint a picture of what works and what doesn’t, allowing them to increase store efficiencies, improve in-store services, create added value initiatives that may not have presented themselves prior and ultimately create the best possible outcome for both their customers AND their business.
The difference between how businesses in the retail and hospitality sector could operate with sensor-driven data mining and UX principles is a profound move away from otherwise assumptive techniques. In a time where shopping and eating out is no longer just about consumption, but an EXPERIENCE, how can it do anything but prove in store owners’ and restaurateurs’ best interest to optimize their customer experience by incorporating such systems to ensure longevity and growth of their business?
Get in touch with us for a free consultation to see how we can apply user experience principles to your interior space: